Saturday, March 6, 2010

New living room

So, really, how do you pack up over 30 years of life?????

Fernando's room is totally different.  We have moved our "living room" over into Rebeca's room, so that's where the futon is now, where we now have dinner and watch our "episodes", where we just relax.  It's nice being in Rebeca's room, with a view to the backyard and to the trees on the side of the house.  And in Fernando's room now are 3 separate piles going.  One is for the garage sale, one pile is to eventually add to our practice storage room down in the red room, and the last pile is for family to go through before we put that stuff in the garage sale pile.  We took the door off of the closet in his room, so that we have a little more room to place things.  But as I look around his room at the piles, the garage sale pile is mighty small.  We are going to have to get more serious about getting rid of things!

Today we have been going through our clothes.  It's not that easy deciding which clothes to pack away, and which to give away.  There's always the thought - "Well, I MAY want to wear that again some time".  Actually, that really goes for almost every single item we handle.  "Well, we MAY want to use that again some time."  And how do you pack picture frames?????  We've got TONS of big ones, and just putting two picture frames in one box already makes that box super heavy.  We're thinking they may just have to be stored side-by-side out in the open.

And this new laptop - what a pleasure it is now to do things on the computer.  Granted, the old laptop wasn't THAT bad, when it moved quickly in those rare moments at like 11:30 pm or something.  But the NEW one, wow!  How nice it is to be able to move so quickly through just about ANYthing at any time of the day!!!!!  The two Grrrs about it - it won't recognize our printer, and it won't accept my camera software. Grrrr.

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