Monday, January 10, 2011

First full day

This morning we decided to drive around as much as we could, since our rental car is due at noon.  So, we had a quick breakfast and then drove to Carrillo beach again - except this time we drove past it, through the little town of Puerto Carrillo.  We liked Puerto Carrillo and decided we'd stop in that town on the way back to see about a place to live for February.  Yep, we're not too happy with where we are staying for January.  First, the internet reminds us of when we were in the trailer.  Second, it's hot here in Samara and there's no air conditioning  where we are living (there is one ceiling fan and one box fan, so thank goodness for those).  Third, the kitchen situation isn't the greatest - we LIKE having a microwave because it's so easy to reheat meals that way.  Some other things we can overlook, like the bathroom being miniscule and having to walk our dirty clothes to a laundromat.  But what gets us the most is there is so much NOT here, yet we are paying about as much as we did for that HUGE, well-equipped, excellent internet, much better TV channels, washer/dryer on premises, 5 room house!!  Hmmm, it must be we are paying for the privilege of living close to a beach, there's no other explanation for it.

Back to our little drive.  We drove about 7 kilometers past Puerto Carrillo, and tried to go down a road to see Playa Camaronal, but the road had been washed out by a river, so we had to turn around.  Back in Puerto Carrillo, we stopped at several places for rent and there is ONE place that we are going to look into for February.  Cheaper than where we're at now, but it has MORE.  Granted, Puerto Carillo is not as big a town as Samara, but we checked it out, and it has a decent grocery store, and 3 decent restaurants so we're fine with that.  And it's close to the nicer part of Playa Carrillo.  So, we'll see if we can get that place for February.  Here are pictures of Carrillo Beach, this isn't our favorite part of the beach, but I haven't gotten pictures yet of the nicer part.

At noon, we turned in our car and then had a small lunch at a nearby bakery before walking back to our house.  We spent the hottest part of the day inside, fixing up our place and putting things where it's convenient for us.  In the early evening, we decided to walk to the beach - going to one end and then walking back to the other end which leads to the main street.  But we had to give up that plan when we got to a section of the beach where the tide had come in, blocking off access to the other side of the beach.  So, we just turned around and went back.  But it was very nice walking along the beach in the evening with the ocean breezes making the temperature pleasant.


  1. You guys are traveling all over Costa Rica! It's amazing the places you are going and what you are seeing. At the national park looks pretty neat, too. John

  2. It sure has been an interesting journey so far!!!
