Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 4th, 2011

Today was as bright and sunny a day as we've had here in quite a while!  And it's our last full day with the rental car, so we decided to make good use of it.

We decided to drive to David (45 minutes away) so that we could go to the hospital's lab there to get Guillermo's blood checked.  Which he needs to do periodically due to the medication he is taking.  We left the house after lunch, and had a leisurely drive to David - stopping at several places along the way just to look around.  We got to the hospital around 2 and by 2:30 they had drawn his blood and told us the results would be available in 2 hours.

Guillermo was a little hungry so we thought we'd try to eat at that hotel that we had no luck in finding when we picked up Fernando and Eva a few days earlier.  We're learning here in Panama not to depend on street names. Even when we were getting directions to the airport when we picked Fernando and Eva up, the guy at the rental car place couldn't give us street names.  He just knew what buildings were associated with the streets.  So it was "turn left at the yellow building, when you see the police station turn right, etc."  Following the map to this hotel was almost worthless, going by street names.  Fortunately, on the map, there were building names and Guillermo knew where we were just by seeing those buildings and could head me in the right direction from that.  After much driving up and down streets and even passing one block behind it at one point, we found the hotel!  We had a good lunch there (Guillermo had a seafood soup and I had breaded Corvina strips) and since we still had about 45 minutes left to wait, we decided to drive to the supermarket to see if we could find a box to pack some of our stuff up in.

At 4:30, we picked up the test results but since it's just a lab and no doctor on site, there was no one who could interpret those results for us.  So, we just drove back to Boquete, and Guillermo said he'd try to figure it out by looking at his last lab report.

Spurs game on TV that evening, and also started packing up a little bit - getting ready to leave on Friday.

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