Monday, April 25, 2011

On to Liberia, Costa Rica

Well, this Tenorio Lodge, we would definitely go back to.  The rooms were so comfortable and you could even bird-watch from BED if you wanted to and actually see very interesting things.

Here is a picture of Guillermo having breakfast at the Lodge:
Even sitting on this terrace, you could see lots of good birds.

And this is what the view looked like from where we had breakfast.
In the background is Tenorio Volcano 1 and Tenorio Volcano 2

So, today we packed up again, loaded up the car and drove to Liberia.  We left fairly early so that we'd get to Liberia early.  When we got to Bagaces, we decided to stop in and look at some places (like the old researcher house Fernando lived in and the little restaurant that Guillermo met Fernando in several years ago).  We found the researcher house, and the little restaurant is no longer a restaurant - it's now a store.  But as we were driving around, we found the company that deals with cell phones here so we went in and reactivated our phone, which had lost service since we were gone from Costa Rica so long.
Then we drove on to Liberia, got a hotel room, returned the rental car and then had some fast food for lunch.  
We are meeting Fernando for lunch tomorrow!!!  We look forward to that!!!

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