Friday, June 3, 2011

Jacob's performance

On Wednesday there was a talent show at Jacob's school which I went to go watch with Mom and Linda.  Jacob sang the song "Bother" by Stone Sour.  We were real proud of Jacob who bravely faced standing by the stage as the "next person to go on", and then getting up in front of the audience when it was his turn and doing his song.  Way to go, Jacob!  You did it!!!
As they were heading out the door to go to the school.

Take it away, Jacob!!  "But once I hold on, I won't let go till it bleeds...."

This is how it looked from where we were sitting.

Maybe wanting Scotty to beam him up?

Thursday, I drove to Elrod in the morning to watch the 5th graders graduate.  These are the same students that I worked with when they were in 1st grade, so I wanted to see what they looked like as 5th graders and see them go across the stage.  But there was no parking anywhere so I drove all the way back home and asked Guillermo to take me back and drop me off.  So, by the time that was all done, the graduation was over!!  I was disappointed but I still got to see many of the kids I had worked with.  Some looked exactly the same, only bigger and some were quite changed!  After milling about with the students and parents, I went into the office to chat a little with some of the people I used to work with.  As usual, that was fun.  Guillermo picked me up at our agreed-upon time and I spent the rest of the day SO glad I had gone to the school.  It was nice seeing and being around those kids again, it was nice seeing the people I used to work with and it was nice just being at the school. 

The weather here sure is something else.  It is so hot, dry and windy.  We are trying to keep a little bit of grass looking nice and green around the house here, but with this weather, it's a good thing that we're just watering a little section.  It'd be too much to keep the whole area looking nice and green.  They've always said San Antonio really is in a desert, and at times it did appear that way, but right now, we truly believe it.  And there's no rain in sight.

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