Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday evenings

This is how we've been spending our last 3 Sunday evenings - out on our back deck with our neighbors.  Actually, they are who we are renting this house from!!!  We started this as just a "let's sit out back and sip some Sangria" and now it has morphed into a snack event, too.  Yesterday evening was the hottest time out there so far, the other evenings had the lovely benefit of at least some wind.

Mary and Evan and rabbit.  We thought this rabbit was going to come right up to the deck, but it stopped at a pear that had fallen off the tree.  We watched it eat the entire little pear.

Matt and Mary.  Their backyard is in the background.

The mosquitoes aren't too bad yet, so we're taking advantage of that.  It may become unbearable later on in the summer - especially if it rains.

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