Monday, February 20, 2012

A day of visitors and Mom on record

Yesterday, Sunday Feb. 19, we had two different visitors come visit us at the lake house.

First, our friends Matt and Mary and Evan came out.  They used to live a few houses down from us on El Verde Rd.
Then about an hour later, Linda, Jacob and Mom came to visit us.  So, for a little while there, we had a full house of visitors!  It was nice.
While Guillermo took a walk up the road with Matt, Evan and Jacob, I started cooking curry chicken for lunch.  Then, while the chicken simmered, the rest of us took a short walk around the houses closest to us.  At then end of our walk, we could hear the guys coming back, but it was only Guillermo and Jacob.  He said that Matt and Evan wanted to climb the hill that we have climbed a couple of times and he left his car keys with Guillermo to give to Mary to go pick them up.

After Mary left to pick up Matt and Evan (and then they just headed on home), we had lunch and a GOOD dessert of key lime pie.  After lunch, we sat around in the living room and recorded a little bit of Mom talking about her life before coming to the US.   We recorded several different clips and here is a sample of one:
And it's for that very reason that we should try to get Mom's stories.  I'm sure that my Oma also had some very interesting stories, and it would be nice to be able to hear those.  Because like Mom hints at in the video, once those voices are silenced, there's no getting those stories ever again. 

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