Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nice weekend

Friday, we met with friends from Elrod - Sharon and Joe and Barbara and Mike for lunch at Salsalito's restaurant.  We had such a nice lunch with them!
Saturday we drove to Mom's house where we met Linda and Jacob too and we all went downtown to have lunch at Schilo's Delicatessen.  We were SHOCKED to see the line for that restaurant going out the door and snaking up Commerce street so we had to come up with a plan B.  After driving around like crazy, and coming up with 5 or 6 different places that yes, let's go there, no let's not go there, we eventually decided on having lunch at the Menger Hotel.  We were a little apprehensive at first, not sure what kind of prices they would have there, but the menu was actually very reasonable.  So, we had a very nice lunch again this day.
Today, Sunday, it is cold with a rain/sleet mix going on outside here at the lake.  So, it's so good that we were able to get in those previous two days in good weather.  Today, we are just staying inside and not going anywhere!

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