Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sticking around the house

Today Spain is having a general strike in the entire country.  People are upset over the new prime minister's proposed austerity cuts.  transportation was going to be minimal and many businesses supposedly were going to stay closed.  So, we thought today would be a good day to not go anywhere and just do stuff around the house.  So, we worked out in the yard this afternoon - sweeping the pine needles off the driveway, trimming plants and trees, Guillermo cut the little bit of grass there is with a weed-eater and we watered all the plants.  It was a nice warm day, so warm that we hardly used the heater in the house!!  That is a big change.  Let's hope it lasts.
The willow tree on the left was trimmed way back so we could see more of the yard.

The willow tree was nice and graceful with its long flowing branches, but we like being able to see across to the back.

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