We checked the weather, making sure it'd be a good day to go out on a boat to an island, and the forecast looked excellent. High of 82 and no chance of rain! So off we went to Santa Pola to try to find where the boats are that take people to Tabarca Island. We found the port with not too much trouble. We tried to find parking along the street, but didn't have any luck so we parked in the pay parking lot by the boats and got our tickets for the boat. We had a good 40 minutes before the boat was going to leave and we kept thinking, we should move the car out of that pay lot and try again to find a parking space along the street somewhere. So, Guillermo gave himself a time limit within which to find a space and he took the car out of the lot and headed to the streets. I was very surprised to see him walking back within about 7 minutes, saying he lucked out and found a spot very close to where we were. We felt much better knowing we weren't going to have to pay an insane amount for parking.
Guillermo waiting to get on the boat. There were a LOT of kids on this trip!
Once on the island, we decided to walk in the direction of the lighthouse. It was a LONG walk, but we sure enjoyed the scenery. In some places in the water there were really beautiful patches of turquoise blue. This picture shows the town of Tabarca, from where we started walking, WAY in the distance.
As we walked along, we saw quite a few seagulls sitting on the edge of the cliffs and we just assumed they were sitting on nests. Sometimes if the seagull flew off, we'd try to see if we could see any eggs or anything but the nests were always in a difficult place to see easily. And one time, I was just walking along and a seagull swooped down to buzz me. I guess I was walking by a nest and I didn't even know it!
We passed this old lookout post on the island.
Now the town is even further away, the lookout tower is in the distance and we've passed the old lighthouse.
We're going to walk all the way to those rocks jutting out into the water.
So, we've made it to the rocks. This is as far as we could go to one end of the island.
As we were making our way around the end of the island, Guillermo saw a gull sitting in an easy place to check to see if it was sitting on eggs. He walked slowly up to the gull, which of course flew off as he approached. But oooh, was the gull mad that Guillermo was there. And yes, there WERE eggs in this nest so the gull had every reason to be upset. Here is a picture of the gull trying to scare Guillermo into getting away from the nest.
This is what that gull was trying to protect.
As we were walking back to the town, we passed this old ruin along the way.
And this is how the view towards Tabarca looked as we walked on the other side of the island.
Once we got back to the town, we weren't done walking yet! We decided to walk through the town to the other end of the island. This was the gate into the old town.
And a street scene in the old town
This is the church in Tabarca, which we couldn't go in to see because they were setting up for a wedding.
And this was the entrance to the town on the other end of the island. When we walked here, we had walked from one end of the island to the other. You should have seen the hinges on the side of those entrance walls, they were for some HUGE doors!!
The view to the sea from the entrance to the town.
And another street scene in Tabarca.
After all that walking around, it was time for lunch! This paella was quite good!
And two last shots of scenes around Tabarca.
All in all, it was a good day.