Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Been pretty busy

So, catching up a little here.
We had a good Mother's Day.  We drove to a nice restaurant near here in the Pueblo Acantilado Hotel to have lunch.  We could have walked, but the day was quite warm and the walk back would've been uphill so we decided to make it a relaxing outing.  A picture of me with my plate of some really delicious squid.

We've got 26 days left here in this house.  So, that's not many days left and we've already started thinking about the issue it's going to be with our suitcases.  At first we weren't worried at all about it, because we were going to drive a rental car to Basel and with a rental car, we could just pile everything in the back seat.  But as it turns out, the rental car was going to be way too expensive.  Then we checked into taking the train.  There's a little more leeway with luggage there but it would have been a 23 hour trip with 2 transfers - one in Barcelona and one in Paris.  Which would mean dragging around our luggage at least 4 times in that one day.

Then on Tuesday, yesterday, we took a trip to the airport and found that we could get a flight to Basel that would cost just the same as the train, so that's the route we're taking.  That still leaves the problem of our luggage, but maybe we'll just have to ship some of our stuff back to the states through DHL or something.  We'll see.  But we learned that even paying for extra luggage on the flight costs as much as taking the train.

We also found out two days ago that the Swedish authorities are requiring a letter that states that Fernando has no record of marriage - meaning that he is not currently married or never has been married.  To get that from San Antonio in time is going to be a miracle.  First of all, we need a copy of Fernando's driver's license.  Fernando is in Africa and only goes to an internet cafe once a week.  His wedding is in 5 weeks.  If we can coordinate all that needs to be done for this, it will be amazing.  Every wedding has to have it's little hitch, but right now this is seeming like a BIG hitch.

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