Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Meeting at Chandler

Today we met with the people at Chandler Health Center where Mom has been staying since December 10th.  Linda, Kathy, Guillermo and I listened as 3 different employees - one a medicare nurse, one the physical therapist and the other Mom's case manager gave us an update on how Mom is doing and what the plans are next.  It was agreed that Mom would be discharged from Chandler on Saturday, Jan. 5th unless Blue Cross approved a longer stay.  So, it looks like Mom will finally be going home this coming weekend!

Mom has said several times the last few days that she really wants to go home and when we met up with her after the meeting (she was sitting on the couch in the common living room), she expectantly looked up and asked, "what did they say?"  So, we told her that she's going home on Saturday and she seemed so happy about that!

After the meeting, Linda went back to work, Kathy and Jacob went to North Star Mall, and Guillermo and I had lunch there at Chandler with Mom before heading back home.

So, back at home, we finally took the Christmas tree out of its stand and carried the tree out front - dropping tons of needles all the way out.  It's now leaning against the fence and the side of the house out front and we will take it to be recycled this coming weekend.  There is a BIG empty spot in the corner of our living room where the tree used to be.  Oh well, the only signs of Christmas left in the house now are all the poinsettia plants around the house.  They still look very pretty.

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