Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ready for planting

Big day today!  It was a day as much to look forward to as to dread.  Guillermo was dreading it because he knew it would involve a LOT of work and I was dreading it because I couldn't imagine how it was all going to work out.  But Guillermo was also really looking forward to the day because he knew at the end of the day, his gardens would be ready to plant.  I was looking forward to the day being OVER because then I'd know that it all worked out.

A dump truck arrived at our house at around 8am and dumped 6 cubic yards of dirt on our driveway.  That was one of the parts I was dreading because I had no idea how big that mound was going to be and no idea how that was going to look and fit in the front.  But it wasn't bad at all.  The truck was able to dump it cleanly in the driveway, it wasn't as big  and menacing as I feared and I think at that point we both relaxed just a little bit.  It was done.  The dirt was here.  Now we just needed to get it to the back yard.  Guillermo got to work right away shoveling dirt into a wheelbarrow and making the first of many many trips carrying that dirt back.

One trip down and possibly 50 more to go.

First pile of dirt in one of the beds.

Filling up the 3rd bed.  It looks like a beautiful day and it was but it was very cold and the wind was whipping like crazy.

First two beds with their dirt

Whew!  Almost done.

This picture shows a finished bed.  My contribution to the whole thing was filling the holes of the stones with dirt.  Some are left empty because that's where Guillermo is going to put caps so that he can sit while reaching in and tending the garden.

The 3 finished beds

The surplus dirt was placed on the side of the house.

The casualty of so many wheelbarrow trips.  Oh well, we'll get that grass to grow again.

After I was done filling up all the holes in the blocks, I was ready to get in out of that cold wind.  But before I went back inside, I took a picture of the view from our back deck.  
View to the left

View to the right

View straight back.

So, the day is done and Guillermo is happy because his garden beds are ready to be planted.  He is excited about that and is looking forward to tomorrow to get some of his seeds, and some little plants that he already started, into that good dirt.  I'm happy because that is all over with for Guillermo, it turned out ok getting that dirt delivered, and the raised beds look nice.  

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