Monday, May 13, 2013

Next plan for those raccoons

Well, here is a picture of the "new and improved" setup of the bird feeders.  Same general structure except now the poles are further apart and the wire holding the feeders is a lot higher from the fence.  We don't believe there is any way the raccoons can stand on the fence now and just stand there and eat.  We don't think they'll be able to maneuver that thin wire all the way across either.  We shall see.  The squirrels apparently have come to terms with scampering along that thin wire even though they look pretty precarious while they are crossing that wire.
Here is the whole set up from an angle, which makes it look not as wide apart as it really is.

The pole on the right side....

Connected with the pole on the left side.

Now some pictures of flowers on our deck.

And a picture I took on Mother's Day when no one thought I was taking a picture.  I was trying to get the auto mode set up, so that I could run into the picture, too, but I never got it to work.  Chris took some pictures with his camera and hopefully one of these days he'll send me a picture or two.

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