Friday, January 31, 2014

Video fun

We love the video and wish it was 50 times as long!  ;-)

So, Rebeca sent us a second video!  We love both of them!
Oh how I wish we were closer so that we could hold little Scotty before he gets any bigger, which it is obvious he is already getting bigger!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Latest pix

Here is Scotty yesterday -

And today -

Rebeca says Scotty has been getting a rash on his face and neck.  Well, hopefully it's just something that most babies get.  She says it has been quite warm there in Tucson, so maybe he has a little heat rash.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

He's getting LONG!

Looking less and less like a little newborn......

We've got cold icy weather coming again tomorrow.  Guillermo and our friend Joe worked today on getting the roof frame built and put on today so that should help when we need to put the tarp back on tomorrow.  Supposedly the storm is going to hit at 7 in the morning with strong winds again, so it should be another interesting time putting on that tarp.  Maybe I can get a picture tomorrow of the shed with the roof frame on and then another picture with the shed all covered up with tarp.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fun Weekend

Another outing in the park today!

From Jan. 24th

This is the picture of Scotty sent to us yesterday.  He's fascinated with his little crib aquarium.

Today Scotty's other grandmother is visiting.  Jason's mother arrived last night and will spend the weekend with them.  What fun that will be for all of them!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

One month later

Here is the precious boy at one month old.

Guillermo and I have enjoyed reminiscing about what we were going through exactly one month ago.  The frantic rush to pack up our house and get on the road after Rebeca's call.  The long long long drive that we happened to do in record time.  The excitement we felt when we got Jason's call that our grandson named Scotty had just been born.  How grateful we were that we got the call while we were driving through El Paso so that for sure there was cell coverage to get the call.  And then finally finally navigating the maze of the hospital hallways as we made our way to Rebeca's room and saw our grandson for the very first time.  What a special time that was to be there with Rebeca and Jason for that momentous occasion!

So, one month later, here at home, we were so glad that we didn't have to get out on the roads.  A strong cold front hit this morning bringing with it very strong winds, drizzle and plunging temperatures.  Yesterday we had placed a huge tarp over the shed Guillermo's building in anticipation of this cold front and rain because there just hadn't been time to complete the entire roof of the shed.  Well, at about 11 this morning, as the winds got stronger, we looked outside and the tarp was almost COMPLETELY off of the shed!   We were shocked but that's how strong the winds were!   So, we had absolutely no choice but to go out there, face the elements, and do the whole thing all over.  That was rough.  The wind just wanted to take that huge tarp and sending it flying down the neighborhood.  And it hadn't been drizzling up to that point but of course, while we were trying to get that tarp back on, it starts to drizzle.  Very strong winds, icy cold temperature and freezing drizzle sure did make it a rough time but eventually we got the thing under control and back in place over the shed.  It was crazy.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We hit the jackpot today!

3 pictures of Scotty!!!

I just love those eyes!  Wow, tomorrow he'll be one month old.  Unbelievable.

And here's Guillermo wearing the hat that his sister Aida made for him for Christmas.  It sure keeps his head warm!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


This picture is from Jan. 20th

And this picture is from today, the 21st.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Shed coming along slow but sure

Guillermo had help the other day from his friend John on building the shed and that made things go a lot faster - THAT DAY.  But when he doesn't have help, it goes a lot slower.  The roof and sides need to get on in these next few days because there's a chance of rain starting Thursday.

Fortunately we've had good weather for the past week or two, so that has given Guillermo lots of time to work on it.

And the pictures of Scotty today!

He is in the car, looking out the window.  They are on their way to the park!
Scotty had his first real bath this evening and evidently it was a disaster.  
We had gone to bed and shortly afterwards I hear this series of clicks and I wondered where that noise was coming from.  I decided to check the phone just in case the clicks were coming from there and sure enough, there were like 5 texts from Rebeca.  Saying that the boy had his first bath a little while ago and that it was a disaster.  That the boy "messed" in the tub and had been madder than a wet hen ever since.  He was inconsolable even an hour later and that now he really needed a bath but the tub was all messed up and he was too upset to even try getting him wet again.  I felt so bad for all of them.  Scotty eventually started to settle down, Rebeca then gave him a sponge bath and hopefully they all had a good night after that very trying time.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

26 days old

Hard to believe it is almost going to be a month!

Friday, January 17, 2014


I sure miss picking this little guy up and hugging him.......

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stroller ride

The weather apparently is nicer in Tucson than it is here in San Antonio.  We have cold weather - that doesn't appear to be the case in Tucson!

So, Rebeca and Jason took Scotty to the park where Scotty got a stroller ride!

We bought this little outfit as a Reyes Magos gift for Scotty.  The newborn size seemed about right for him and the 3 month size seemed way too big.  Well, we should have gotten the 3 month size, because he doesn't fit into the newborn size anymore!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

From Jan. 13

He's 21 days old in these pictures!

Scotty is checking out his playmat here.  Rebeca said seconds after she took the picture he got all mad.

Wearing his big boy pants!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rebeca sent us these pictures today.  19 days old.  She also said Scotty had a rough night last night, wanted to eat more than sleep.  

Probably the whole family is a little tired today....

We wrote her, thanking her for the pictures like we usually do and telling her that we think little Scotty is missing his grandma and abuelito.  Yep, that's it.  He's upset that he isn't getting to see us anymore.  ;-)

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Yesterday all the Christmas stuff was taken down and packed in boxes.  Today the Christmas lights came off the bushes out front and off of the front porch.  Guess tomorrow we'll put all those boxes away in the closets.  This year there was no "after Christmas shopping" for sales on Christmas stuff for next year because even though we were in stores and all the sales were RIGHT THERE, we would rather spend our money on things for Scotty, and that's what we did.

We also visited Mom today for the first time this year.  We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then did some shopping at HEB.

Tomorrow Guillermo and I are looking forward to going to Barnes and Noble!  We are starting a thing called the AGM Book Club (AGM stands for Abuelito GrandMa) where we'll send Scotty one book a month.  So, we look forward to picking out the first book tomorrow!  We sure miss our little grandson!

Rebeca has been sending us at least one picture a day of Scotty since we left.  She sends them with her texts and it took me quite a while but I finally figured out how to save pictures sent with texts.  Anyway, here are the pictures she has sent.
From Jan. 6th

From Jan. 7th

Jan. 8th

And today's picture - 17 days old!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Holidays are officially over

Reyes Magos came last night!
Well, everything comes eventually and our last day with Rebeca, Jason and Scotty is now here.
I will really really miss holding little Scotty at this young age.  He is 14 days old today.   

We had a nice breakfast in the morning and then the Reyes Magos gifts were opened.

A few pictures of the proud dad with his son.

Last pictures before taking off

One last kiss....

Left Tucson at 11:30, got to Benson at 12:30.  Met Roy at Rebs Cafe for lunch.

 Left Benson around 2 and got to El Paso at around 6pm.  Got a hotel - G went to get a little something from Rudy's which is right behind the hotel.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our last full day here

Not very happy about that at all......

Took these pictures of Scotty today.
Taking Scotty outside for some fresh air - which he ended up getting upset about and wanted to go back in.

And in the evening Scotty enjoyed a much wetter bath.  Still not in water but even so, he enjoyed the wetter than usual wash cloth.

Bath time is over!

 Here's the little thing Scotty gets bathed in.