Guillermo had help the other day from his friend John on building the shed and that made things go a lot faster - THAT DAY. But when he doesn't have help, it goes a lot slower. The roof and sides need to get on in these next few days because there's a chance of rain starting Thursday.
Fortunately we've had good weather for the past week or two, so that has given Guillermo lots of time to work on it.
And the pictures of Scotty today!
He is in the car, looking out the window. They are on their way to the park!
Scotty had his first real bath this evening and evidently it was a disaster.
We had gone to bed and shortly afterwards I hear this series of clicks and I wondered where that noise was coming from. I decided to check the phone just in case the clicks were coming from there and sure enough, there were like 5 texts from Rebeca. Saying that the boy had his first bath a little while ago and that it was a disaster. That the boy "messed" in the tub and had been madder than a wet hen ever since. He was inconsolable even an hour later and that now he really needed a bath but the tub was all messed up and he was too upset to even try getting him wet again. I felt so bad for all of them. Scotty eventually started to settle down, Rebeca then gave him a sponge bath and hopefully they all had a good night after that very trying time.