Thursday, January 9, 2014


Yesterday all the Christmas stuff was taken down and packed in boxes.  Today the Christmas lights came off the bushes out front and off of the front porch.  Guess tomorrow we'll put all those boxes away in the closets.  This year there was no "after Christmas shopping" for sales on Christmas stuff for next year because even though we were in stores and all the sales were RIGHT THERE, we would rather spend our money on things for Scotty, and that's what we did.

We also visited Mom today for the first time this year.  We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then did some shopping at HEB.

Tomorrow Guillermo and I are looking forward to going to Barnes and Noble!  We are starting a thing called the AGM Book Club (AGM stands for Abuelito GrandMa) where we'll send Scotty one book a month.  So, we look forward to picking out the first book tomorrow!  We sure miss our little grandson!

Rebeca has been sending us at least one picture a day of Scotty since we left.  She sends them with her texts and it took me quite a while but I finally figured out how to save pictures sent with texts.  Anyway, here are the pictures she has sent.
From Jan. 6th

From Jan. 7th

Jan. 8th

And today's picture - 17 days old!

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