Saturday, January 4, 2014

11 and 12 days old

Well, got on the computer too late for a Jan. 3rd date.
But anyway, here's what Scotty looks like at 11 days old.

When we first started taking these pictures, this is how his face was.  It was like he was thinking, "Oh, the Paparazzi is back.  There's that silver round thing in their faces again and sometimes it makes SUCH a bright light."  It was so cute how he kept staring at the camera lens. 

Then he just relaxed while the picture taking went on.  

Jan. 4th - 12 days old
Scotty was a little cantankerous today.  Not many good picture taking opportunities.  So, here are some taken while he was sleeping.

Now a few views around Scotty's room

Rebeca made all the hippos that are on the walls.

Rebeca and Scotty spend a lot of time in this chair.

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