Wow, those last days at Rebeca's house were busy and updating this blog just wasn't on my mind.
Let's see, starting with Wednesday, April 16th.
Was it today that we drove to Aida's house to pick up the spoons?
April 17th
I know we went to Safeway again today. Guillermo and I are real pros now at putting Scotty in his carseat (I think, though, there was only ONE time when he didn't get mad about that), putting the car seat in the car, taking it back out and putting it in the stroller frame, shopping quickly and then doing it all in reverse. Today was our last full day of taking care of Scotty.
Look how well he's holding his head up now while lying on his tummy! What a big boy!
There's so many different things to see from this angle!
Chewing on things is his absolute favorite thing to do!
Friday, April 18th
Rebeca got home early today and after having lunch and feeding Scotty, we took him to the park and walked around the whole park - Scotty asleep the whole time. After the park, we drove out to the end of Broadway so that we could show Rebeca the huge barrel cactus that we took pictures of back in August and were absolutely SHOCKED to see that the cactus was GONE!!!! At first we thought we were in the wrong spot, but slowly realized we weren't and then saw the remains of the cactus on the ground. It was so sad to see that. I'm glad we went to see it in August and took some pictures.
This is the picture we took back in August.
Where before he would protest loudly if placed on his tummy, now little Scotty seems to prefer to be on his tummy.
In the evening, Jason's advisor Dave and his wife Mary Lou came over for dinner. We served vegetarian spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, fruit, lemon bites, fruit pie, red and white wine and water. We all had a very nice evening.
Saturday, April 19th
Guillermo and I said our sad goodbyes to Rebeca, Jason and Scotty. It really was sad.
We drove to Benson, where we met Roy and had breakfast with him. Then we were going to try to duplicate the drive Fernando and I took many years ago to the Chiricahua Mountains, but I wasn't too sure about the route. When we see him on Saturday, the 26th, I'm going to see if he remembers how we went.
So, we stayed on 10 with thunderstorms all around us, just nothing where we were driving the whole way! Close to Las Cruces, we stopped to have lunch at Chopes where, as usual, the food was good but the place a little sketchy. Unknown to us, probably about the time we were having lunch there at Chopes, there must have been an AWFUL storm going through El Paso because by the time we left Chopes and arrived in El Paso, we could see the remnants. The hail was so thick it was lining the road and in some places of El Paso, it looked like it had snowed, there was that much hail. Then we exited the freeway to get gas and got stuck in a traffic jam on the access road. It wasn't until we got to the intersection did we understand the problem. Apparently it had rained so hard that good-sized rocks and gravel had slid off from the landscaping and were all over the road. So passing through there, we had to dodge the bigger rocks and drive carefully through all the mud and gravel. But after that, we had smooth sailing.
We had wanted to go as far as Marfa, but with the slow going in El Paso, just getting to Van Horn was enough for the day. No internet at the hotel (they claimed the storms had knocked it out) so thank goodness for my phone!