Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 2!

Apr. 7th
Hmmm, I guess I didn't post anything about this day - my first full day taking care of Scotty by myself.  Well, the day was good although I was tired most of the day.  But Scotty is such a good baby and it is fun to read books to him, walk him around the house and yard showing him stuff, we do a little water time with his feet in a pan of water, and we try to do a little tummy time on his mat.  He also likes being on his rain forest mat and he likes being in his bouncer.
By the end of the day, though, I was pretty tired for sure.

He loves playing with his feet!

April 8th
Today was a little easier - I didn't feel as tired.  Scotty was as good as ever, though.  We did the usual stuff - walk around the backyard looking at all the plants, looking at the mountains, watching the dogs do their funny stuff, sing songs while sitting on the patio and more.  Thank goodness the weather has been warmer lately so that we can spend practically all day outside.
Rebeca put this little bib on Scotty this evening.  It's a nod to his abuelito!

Yay, the video wasn't too big, and I could upload it!  I was reading to Scotty and then playing with a kleenex with him and in the background you can hear the dog Jack making all kinds of sounds.  I don't think I've laughed harder in my life!  'Course I wasn't recording when Jack was making the most noise and I was laughing the hardest but this kind of is an example of what was going on.  Enjoy!

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