Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Only 3 days left here..... And Happy Birthday to Mom!!

First and Foremost, Happy Birthday to you, Mom!!!  We hope you had a nice birthday and I'm glad you were able to "talk" with Scotty a little bit on the phone when I called you.
Some random pictures from the last few days....
This little guy just LOVES walking around out in the yard, which is something he has just recently started doing.  He loves being outside so much that when it's time to go inside, he gets MAD!!

This is the first time he WALKED to the mailbox (he usually is in his stroller).  Here he is handing Guillermo the key to the mailbox as we get closer to it.

He loves his nightly bath!

Those are quite some faces the two of them are making.  Scotty said his first Spanish word today - pez.  Which means fish.

So, after he had to come inside this morning, he was inconsolable until he was able to sit at the front door and look AT the outside.

Enjoying the outside in the afternoon

This time, when it was time for him to go inside,  I had plans for him to look at something inside that he loves and that I knew would distract him from the fact that he was actually leaving the outside.  Fortunately, it worked and he came inside happily.

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