Friday, March 13, 2015

Two pictures

Scotty is going to start going to a little school on Monday so today he had his first little trial stay there in the school.  It was an observation day for Rebeca and Jason.  It didn't go as well as they had hoped.  It started off great  - while Rebeca and Jason were still in the room with him.  But as soon as he realized they had stepped out, he basically did a lot of heavy duty crying and screaming.  There were brief periods of calmness but those were short.  Being in the room right next door to where he was, Rebeca and Jason could plainly hear him all upset and it was so hard for them.  The school is a good one and very inviting and bright and fun so we know that as soon as Scotty has gotten used to the place, as soon as he builds a relationship with one of the teachers there, he will actually love the place.

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