Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Venturing into a few stores

 It is March 9th and our lousy governor has declared that starting tomorrow masks are no longer mandatory and that absolutely everything can open back up.  He truly is an idiot.

So, we thought if we're ever going to go into any stores, maybe today would be the best time.  So Guillermo went to Lowes and Costco and I went into Target and slipped into HEB for two items I already knew I wasn't able to get curbside.

Guillermo said both the stores he went to were ok.  Target for me was nice - it was nice to once again be able to browse the aisles.  And to see, that yes, there are clorox wipes, they just aren't offering them on Target Driveup.   One of the many good things about doing Driveup and Curbside is that there is no impulse buying.  In HEB, the only good thing was being able to see in person all the meal simples that I usually order curbside.  Other than that, I was SOOO glad my shopping had already been done for me!  I got the two items I needed, left the store and headed over to curbside to pick up my order.  

I will take curbside over going in any day.  We are happy with the quality of everything they choose for us and if there ever is a time that they pick something out of date (happened once in the whole last year), they are quick to issue a refund and give a replacement.  It is a such a relief to know that we don't have to deal with inconsiderate people who refuse to wear masks or people who cough or sneeze around you.  We are so grateful to have such a good curbside at our grocery store.  Target is the one store that I will go back in to and slowly browse around but HEB, I will only go in there if I absolutely can't get it on curbside.

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