Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some week it was

Last week was the first full week back at work part-time. I would say we are kind of in shock. Yeah, that would be a good way to put it. At least now, when we see on the news that "the stock market fell by 500 points" or whatever, we just shrug and say, "At least we're working a little bit". Anyway, hearing that people are losing their jobs or not even able to find one, makes us thankful that we are not in THAT boat.

We are looking at this as just temporary. Guillermo wanted to start teaching part-time again in the spring, but as soon as he walked in the door to his old department two weeks ago, they asked him to start teaching the following Monday. Talk about a surprise!!! He literally hit the ground running.
And if I do enough substituting this school year, I can "buy" a year and get one year closer to getting my retirement!
There are plenty of cons, but some pros, to working again, and we are just going to stay focused on those pros!!

The good part about Guillermo's job is that he is home by noon everyday. The good part about mine, (even though I have to work 8-5) is that I get an hour for lunch, (so Guillermo and I can still eat lunch together everyday) and that I usually just work 3 days a week.
Enjoy these latest pictures.

The Coral Vine along our front fence was beautiful this year.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In happy contrast

Today, 30 years ago, Rebeca was born. What an incredibly happy and magical day that was!! We could not have been any happier. Bringing her home was such a wondrous occasion and it was, has been and is an absolute joy to have Rebeca in our lives. Watching her grow was so exciting, every step of the way. She brought so much joy into our lives, so many exciting experiences, and tons of beautiful memories that we will be forever grateful for.

So, Rebeca, we are very thankful you came into our lives!!! Happy 30th Birthday!!
We love you very much!

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 1998

10 years ago today, Guillermo and I were living a true nightmare. Unrelenting thunderstorms, which dumped 4 inches of rain an hour in our area, ended up flooding our home with 2 inches of water in the main part of our house within a span of 3 hours. It was unreal. Here is a brief version of events of that day:
4:30am - rain starts falling incredibly hard. We're not worried, it has rained hard
5:30am - it is still raining as hard as it was at 4:30am. Twinges of worry start to
be felt. We aren't sleeping anymore, that's for sure.
6:00am - it is still raining exactly as hard as it was at 4:30 and at 5:30. I am
starting to feel like maybe we should start picking things up and putting
them up higher. I ask Guillermo to help me move the computer from the "red
room" up in to Fernando's room. He tells me I'm over-reacting, but he does
it anyway. :-) Water is starting to come into our garage.
The garage is the lowest room of our house, the red room is on a higher
level, and the rest of our house is slightly higher than the red room. I
feel a sense of gratitude that we had just mailed Fernando's brand new
computer to him at Caltech just one week earlier. And I'm also thankful
that just a few weeks earlier, I had packed away all of Rebeca's dolls that
were on the floor in her closet.
6:30am - It is still raining exactly as hard as it was at 4:30. We know now that
this is not going to be good. Guillermo is working feverishly in the
garage, because the water is starting to run through it. We move a
brand-new bag of dog food up into the red room but the bottom is already
wet. The water is rising higher and it's getting scary.
7:00am - It is still raining just as hard. The water in the garage looks like a
river. I move the bag of dog food from the red room into the kitchen.
Several minutes later I look at Guillermo who is peeking in the doorway to
the garage and he notifies me that the water is now starting to come into
the red room. I can still remember the exact way I felt when I heard those
words. My heart sinks - we ARE going to flood. I lift the bag of dog food
off the kitchen floor to place it in an even higher place and as I do so,
the soggy bottom gives way, spilling dog food all over the kitchen floor.
I look at the mess all over the floor, look in disbelief at the water
starting to come into the red room and knew that I simply HAD no choice but
to spend time picking up all that dog food.
7:30am - Once that was finally done, I walked
to Rebeca's bedroom and hoped the phones were
still working. I called my mother and called Rebeca and told them what was
happening. They were in shock. I look out the windows, and our house is
totally surrounded with very deep water. I remember thinking, "We could die
today". Guillermo wades out to the backyard because he sees Moo, our dog,
swimming away from the house. He grabs him and puts him in the bed of our
pickup truck. He didn't see Clia (our other dog) anywhere, but decides to
go look for her one more time, and finds her standing on top of a pile of
boards by our back fence. He also puts her in the back of the pickup.
Then I notice wet spots popping up all over the bedroom carpet and the
living room carpet and I knew then that the water was now in the main part
our house. The water didn't come in through the front door, it came in
from underneath the house. We called the Fire Department but all they
could say (and they sounded frantic, too) was that they were trying to save
themselves!!! We and all the neighbors leave our homes, wade through the
water and meet in the street, where the water is halfway up our thighs. It
is now not raining as hard, but we had no idea at the time how high the
water was going to end up rising. Fortunately, that was the worst of it,
but the damage had been done. We got two and a half inches of water in the
main part of our house.

So, that's how it went. The city now has sirens installed that warn us of the danger of flooding. But we actually don't need them. When the level of water gets to a certain point in the ditch alongside our house, I take one of our cars and leave till the threat is gone. The sound of those sirens is very disturbing. I was talking to my brother-in-law, Charlie, on the phone one morning two weeks ago, and those sirens went off. For one second there, my heart jumped into my throat. But I looked out the window, saw that the sun was shining, there was no rain in sight and things were ok. It was just a test. I asked Charlie if he could hear those sirens over the phone and he said he could!!

This was a day we will never ever forget.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pak Choi and Chrysanthemums

This beauty of a Pak Choi went in to our dinner this evening. We had delicious stir-fry with this Pak Choi that Guillermo grew. And there are several more of them in the garden, so we look forward to more good stir-fry to come.

Our little Chrysanthemums look so beautiful this year!! It sure has been a great year for our flowers.

One of our favorite quotes:
"What kind of a shirt is that???" -RC

Monday, October 13, 2008

All's quiet

It's quiet around here again. So, I just thought I'd share these pictures of flowers around our house right now.

Some great news!!! Rebeca called us this evening with the exciting news that she passed her first two licensing exams for Landscape Architecture!!!! Of course, we never doubted that she would pass them, we have all the confidence in the world in her. But it's nice to have that confirmation! She says she is now 2/5 done with her exams, she has three more to take. Congratulations on the first two, Rebeca!!

Out of the strain of the doing,
Into the peace of the done.
~Julia Woodruff, Gone

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How do these things happen so fast!?!??

Yesterday (Oct. 9th) we celebrated Rebeca's birthday with a special Paella dinner here at home, followed by some little fruit tarts. It was all really delicious and we were grateful to have her here CLOSE to her birthday to actually celebrate with her.

When dinner was over, Rebeca and Jason packed up the car and were going to drive possibly as far as Ozona, to make their drive back to Tucson on Saturday just a little easier. We picked up the last of their stuff and walked out to the car, when all of a sudden Diablillo makes a beeline to the far side of the yard, growling and barking. It was dark already, so we couldn't see what he was after, but we figured it was an opossum (nod to Fernando) or maybe a cat or something.

Imagine our horror when we saw a skunk with its tail raised running out of our yard! We were all horrified and Jason used his best stern voice, trying to get Diablillo to "Come here!!" Of course Diablillo, reconfirming that he IS an "energumeno", wasn't listening at that point. We were all desperately hoping that the skunk was "just running away without doing anything", when all of a sudden Jason recoils exclaiming that he can smell it now and he's sure Diablillo got it. So, no, Diablillo didn't escape being sprayed. We were all in shock. Here Jason and Rebeca were, just about to take off in the car on a long trip and now their little dog was a stinking mess. At first we all just stood around, sort of paralyzed and trying to avoid being touched by Diablillo but then we finally swung into action. Out came the tomato paste, tomato puree, vinegar, gloves, little tub, shampoo. These pictures tell the rest of the story.

ANYway, before all that happened, here's a glimpse of what the day was like earlier.

It was so nice to be able to have all of them here for a little while. We miss them terribly.

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Taking it easy

In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged. ~Hans Nouwens

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Relaxing day

Guillermo and I took off this morning around 8:30am headed for Lake Buchanan, where we are going to pick up Rebeca. We had a leisurely drive in the cool morning air. Duke spent most of the drive with his head out the window, and Diablillo spent most of the time with his head on our arms between the seats. One time, he was looking out the window on Guillermo's side of the car, and got stuck between the door and the seat, and, while Guillermo was driving, I had to try and dislodge his trapped little body. Guillermo was WONDERING why Diablillo was digging his legs into his side. He thought he was just trying to get closer to him!!!

Both the dogs were delirious to see Rebeca and Jason, and we were so happy to be there at Canyon of the Eagles with them. It's a beautiful place and the view from their porch was just fantastic.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dogs love balls

Looking through stuff on the top shelf of a closet, a tennis ball just "happened" to fall to the ground. Well, Diablillo grabbed it and it's his constant companion now. I don't dare try to take it from him, but sometimes the ball is lying next to him and I'll flick it with my feet and he runs after it. I'm still not sure if he enjoys that or not. When we go for walks out in the field, Duke loves having a ball thrown so he can chase it. And it's absolutely hilarious to see Diablillo chasing after Duke chasing a ball. Wish I could get video of that!!!
Content knowing my ball is by me

Although I better hold on to it, just in case

Rebeca called as they were leaving Houston and on their way to Burnet, TX, where they are going to stay at one of their favorite places for their one-year anniversary. Guillermo and I thought many times today about one year ago on this exact date. What a wonderful day that was, and how happy we were to be celebrating their wedding with family and friends.

On Wednesday, we are going to meet them in Burnet! We will drive Rebeca back to San Antonio, and Jason will be going up to Dallas to see his family and friends for a day or two before returning back to San Antonio. Guillermo and I are looking forward very much to the drive up to Burnet. We will probably take many of the same roads that we used to drive on quite frequently 32 years ago.

There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busy day

By this time, Jason's presentation should have been given and done with in Houston. And we're sure it went just fine! I'm sure he had a rough night last night, but it should be all behind him now and he and Rebeca can hopefully enjoy the rest of their week here in Texas.

Making the best of their time here

Quote: We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. ~Roderick Thorp, Rainbow Drive

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, Rebeca and Jason got in at 5:45 this morning. We let them in and they went straight to bed. They both were very obviously tired. Jason got up again at 9:45 and started working on his data for his presentation. There's no way I can fathom how tired he must be, since he says he's only gotten about 3 hours of sleep every night for the last several nights. When Rebeca got up around 10:45, she was also still very tired and not feeling well. We had a good "Taco Cabana" breakfast and I also made crepes for Jason. We had originally thought they would leave from here at around 11:00, but Jason worked straight the whole time on his laptop, eventually taking off at around 3pm. So, we got to spend a little more time with them than we had thought, and we look forward to them coming back (so do the dogs!!), so that we all can be a little more relaxed without having a presentation looming over their heads.

Here's what the dogs looked like right after Jason and Rebeca left:

He seemed to be in shock and just stood there as if paralyzed for a little while.

If I keep my eyes closed, then I won't see that they're not here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So close, but still so far

The last time I posted, I said that Wednesday was my last day to work for awhile. Well, the following Tuesday, Accounts Payable called me TWICE, asking if I could come in. By that second call, I realized they were pretty desperate for someone so I went ahead and told them I'd work half a day. So, I worked 1-5 that day, and that's not too bad. But before I left for the evening, I made sure they understood that I am NOT available again until October 13th. They said they'll call me then.

Rebeca and Jason took off from Tucson today much later than they wanted. When they called us at around 5pm Friday, we were hoping they were calling from El Paso. Sad to say, they were just leaving the outskirts of Tucson at that point. So, if they are with it enough to drive all night long, then we'll see them probably at 6am Saturday morning. They'll sleep a few hours and then they have to take off for Houston by around 11:30am that same morning. But we'll get to spend more time with them when they come back from that conference in Houston. :-)

Here are a few pictures from the garden. It's looking good since the weather has cooled off a little bit.

So, what do we have growing here??

These beans are from some seeds that Guillermo's brother Eugene gave him. The plants are so healthy!

It's constant, trying to keep up with the garden. Here Guillermo is getting rid of spider-mite infected tomato plants.

We eat peppers one way or another every day! In the background is a novel "tomato cage" that Guillermo and Fernando put together.

Quote: People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross. ~Author Unknown