The last time I posted, I said that Wednesday was my last day to work for awhile. Well, the following Tuesday, Accounts Payable called me TWICE, asking if I could come in. By that second call, I realized they were pretty desperate for someone so I went ahead and told them I'd work half a day. So, I worked 1-5 that day, and that's not too bad. But before I left for the evening, I made sure they understood that I am NOT available again until October 13th. They said they'll call me then.
Rebeca and Jason took off from Tucson today much later than they wanted. When they called us at around 5pm Friday, we were hoping they were calling from El Paso. Sad to say, they were just leaving the outskirts of Tucson at that point. So, if they are with it enough to drive all night long, then we'll see them probably at 6am Saturday morning. They'll sleep a few hours and then they have to take off for Houston by around 11:30am that same morning. But we'll get to spend more time with them when they come back from that conference in Houston. :-)
Here are a few pictures from the garden. It's looking good since the weather has cooled off a little bit.
So, what do we have growing here??
These beans are from some seeds that Guillermo's brother Eugene gave him. The plants are so healthy!
It's constant, trying to keep up with the garden. Here Guillermo is getting rid of spider-mite infected tomato plants.
We eat peppers one way or another every day! In the background is a novel "tomato cage" that Guillermo and Fernando put together.
Quote: People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross. ~Author Unknown
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