Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, Rebeca and Jason got in at 5:45 this morning. We let them in and they went straight to bed. They both were very obviously tired. Jason got up again at 9:45 and started working on his data for his presentation. There's no way I can fathom how tired he must be, since he says he's only gotten about 3 hours of sleep every night for the last several nights. When Rebeca got up around 10:45, she was also still very tired and not feeling well. We had a good "Taco Cabana" breakfast and I also made crepes for Jason. We had originally thought they would leave from here at around 11:00, but Jason worked straight the whole time on his laptop, eventually taking off at around 3pm. So, we got to spend a little more time with them than we had thought, and we look forward to them coming back (so do the dogs!!), so that we all can be a little more relaxed without having a presentation looming over their heads.

Here's what the dogs looked like right after Jason and Rebeca left:

He seemed to be in shock and just stood there as if paralyzed for a little while.

If I keep my eyes closed, then I won't see that they're not here.

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