Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some week it was

Last week was the first full week back at work part-time. I would say we are kind of in shock. Yeah, that would be a good way to put it. At least now, when we see on the news that "the stock market fell by 500 points" or whatever, we just shrug and say, "At least we're working a little bit". Anyway, hearing that people are losing their jobs or not even able to find one, makes us thankful that we are not in THAT boat.

We are looking at this as just temporary. Guillermo wanted to start teaching part-time again in the spring, but as soon as he walked in the door to his old department two weeks ago, they asked him to start teaching the following Monday. Talk about a surprise!!! He literally hit the ground running.
And if I do enough substituting this school year, I can "buy" a year and get one year closer to getting my retirement!
There are plenty of cons, but some pros, to working again, and we are just going to stay focused on those pros!!

The good part about Guillermo's job is that he is home by noon everyday. The good part about mine, (even though I have to work 8-5) is that I get an hour for lunch, (so Guillermo and I can still eat lunch together everyday) and that I usually just work 3 days a week.
Enjoy these latest pictures.

The Coral Vine along our front fence was beautiful this year.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault

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