Friday, December 25, 2009

Ahhh, there's nothing like Christmas

What a lovely day today!

Rebeca and Jason came in last night around 10pm and we all just happily enjoyed being together again. We went to bed kind of late, but happy.

The next morning was nice and leisurely. We fixed a huge late breakfast of Guillermo's scrambled eggs, and I made pancakes, and we enjoyed that with fruit. Then we all opened one present, and the dogs opened their presents. Duke had his toy practically destroyed within an hour, that's how much he loved it. Jack resented his little snuggli, and tried to always get out of us putting it on him.
Duke wants his present

Duke really wants his present

Patiently waiting for his present

Ahhh, finally

Jason with Duke's present

Guillermo wondering what's going on in Jack's head

Two nice frames to place pictures of some of our trips

Guillermo about to open one of his presents

Jack with his snuggly, which he did NOT like.

Duke working on his next gift, which he destroyed within an hour.

Jason trying on his new shirt.

The afternoon came rather quickly, and it was time to get the turkey going. 
 The rest of the family came over at 4 and it was fun and loud and good times. We all ate too much, had fun doing the "white elephant" gift exchange, then exchanged our regular presents, then had dessert and coffee. After some group picture taking, everyone went home and we considered it a very nice Christmas day.
 We were also thrilled when we heard the phone ring during the day and it was Fernando calling!!!
So, it was a great Christmas day all around!!!
This was grown from seeds Rebeca gave Guillermo last year!

Jack taking a stroll through the greenhouse.

Later, Rebeca and Jason left to go spend the night at the Grand Hyatt on the Riverwalk. Tomorrow morning we will drive with them to Wimberley, Texas where we will spend two nights.

....On the road again!!.............. :-)

Well, if this was our last Christmas in this house, it was a very very nice one. We had such a nice time with everyone. It is just too bad that Fernando and Eva couldn't have been with us, but at least he called. If they could have been with us, though, we think this Christmas would have been MORE than perfect.

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