Monday, December 28, 2009

Visiting Fredericksburg, Wimberley and Gruene

December 26th
Jason and Rebeca got back sometime around 2pm and we took off shortly after that for Fredericksburg. It was a beautiful sunny day, and just a little bit cold. When we got to Fredericksburg, we were happy to see that most everything was open so we parked the car and headed to the shops. The first shop we went to was Dogologie, where Duke and Jack had a blast looking around and smelling all the treats in there. It was fun taking Duke and Jack around with us in Fredericksburg. Everyone seemed to love the dogs as we passed by and lots of people asked if they could pet them. Duke was loving all the attention, but Jack at times wasn't so sure about it all. It was fun, though, to watch Duke strutting down the street holding his new toy in his mouth. That sure made people smile. (Should have gotten a picture of that). And Jack strolled around town smartly in his new camouflage outfit. He looked just precious.

This is what the boys did while Rebeca and I checked out the shops.

We stayed at a nice little cabin along Cypress Creek in Wimberley.
We had our second part of Christmas there the night of the 26th.

Duke getting his Christmas present

Jack enjoying his Christmas present.

Guillermo got a Spurs calendar!

And Vicki got a brownie pan that is guaranteed to make the best brownies!

Just enjoying being together.

So happy to all be together!

Jason tending the fire.

These pictures were taken on the deck of our little cabin.

This was our cabin - Cabin #1.

A few views of Cypress Creek - it was pretty and the weather was cold.

A few pictures of when Rebeca and Jason were on the Riverwalk.

December 27th
We got up early this morning to see Jason off. He is heading to Dallas to spend a little Christmas time with his family and he wanted to get to his Dad's place before his dad left for work. After Jason left, and after spending a little longer in bed, we got ready to go have breakfast at the Wimberley Cafe. Then the fun began for Rebeca and me, but not so much for Guillermo. Well, at first he was ok with going around from store to store - and the stores there in Wimberley are all so precious!  These stores are actually very sensitive to all the men who get dragged around by the women in their lives because practically every store had benches outside on which to pass the time.  After about 3 stores though, we could tell Guillermo was dragging. He was a trooper about it anyway, gamely sitting on the benches outside and especially savoring the benches that were in the sun since it was a cold day.

We caved after a few hours though, and offered to take Guillermo back to the cabin so he could relax as he wanted. So, we all went back to the car, and then once in the car, decided to drive out to the Lavender farm. We drove for quite a while before Rebeca found out on her phone that the farm was closed anyway, so we turned around. We got back to Wimberley and drove around to the places that Guillermo and I had stayed before so that Rebeca could see them. Then we dropped Guillermo off at the cabin - where we could tell he'd be much happier with the recliner, the TV - and when he got tired of those things - the rushing creek outside could beckon him.

So, Rebeca and I drove back into Wimberley and went to every single other store that we hadn't yet visited. We got back to the cabin close to dinner time, so we relaxed for just a little while and then drove to a nice little Italian restaurant in downtown Wimberley. The food was just excellent there! Back at the cabin, we alternately watched the Wizard of Oz and the Cowboys game in front of a nice warm fire. It was a very relaxing evening.

December 28th
A very relaxing morning again. After packing up, we drove to a little Hawaiian coffee shop and had breakfast there. Then we drove out on River Road and fantasized about the homes we would love to own along that road. Then it was time to leave Wimberley and head to Gruene!  Gruene was another trying spot for Guillermo, although we didn't visit as many stores there, and didn't stay as long. But he did enjoy a bench or two at some places and before we knew it, it was lunch time. Gruene also has many precious little stores with so many cute things, but after lunch, we decided it was time to head back to San Antonio. It's going to be COLD tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have been dreaming about that place...I have been wanting the tomatillo-chicken plate from the Grist Mill...It is by far the best...Andy
