Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All bluster, not much rain

Storms developed earlier in the day today, so I was able to get a picture of it approaching.

The last two storms that came through, it was already dark so we didn't get to see much.  This storm came through shortly after I took this picture and once again, the wind whipped around like a hurricane.  There were actual waves and whitecaps on the lake.  The owners of this house had put up two ceiling fans this past weekend on the deck outside and the wind was whipping those ceiling fans around so hard we thought they were going to break off.  Guillermo got some cord and tied one of the blades on each fan to the ceiling and that sure helped a lot!
The storm was mostly strong wind, and just a little bit of rain.  We thought we wouldn't be able to take our usual evening walk, but we went out anyway when it looked like the bulk of the storm was to the east of us.  There was still plenty of lightning going on in the distance and since it was almost dark, we were able to see the lightning really well.  The air was nice and cool but we didn't walk as far as we usually do since it was so dark already.

I'm writing this post on a Tuesday and I forgot to write about our past weekend!  On Saturday, John and Angie came over and Connie and Bill came over shortly after them.  They were all going to spend the weekend with us again!  Saturday afternoon several of us went to the Cajun Festival near here and that was very interesting.  All of us got gumbo from different booths so that we could compare the tastes.  Cajun music was playing in the background and we sat around eating our gumbo, watching people and listening to the music.  We had fun at the festival.
On Sunday, John and Guillermo grilled chicken and vegetables out on the deck, which were delicious!  Then the guys put up the two ceiling fans.  John and Angie left in the late afternoon, and Connie and Bill left Monday morning.

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