Friday, September 30, 2011

A scene that always made me smile when we walked outside.  This is across the road from the house.

We took our last walk yesterday evening in this nice area.  Sure do love the smell of the cedar as we walk through one section of the country road.  Last evening we saw several jack rabbits, but not much else, although Guillermo did identify a Scrub Jay.  There were plenty of thunderstorms in the area, but none right where we were.  When we got back to the house, we went out on the back deck one last time to enjoy the view with the view being enhanced this time with good displays of lightning.

Today we're packing up and getting ready to leave the lake house.  A front has come in so it's really windy outside and there are whitecaps on the lake.  We saw a black blob on the lake so got our binoculars and realized that the black blog was really a tight group of what we think were coots.  They were going up against the current on the lake, against the wind, so it was very slow going for them.  Then later we saw a grebe also seeming to swim against the wind and the current.

Our plan for the next 5 days:  Friday night and Saturday night we are staying in the same little house we stayed in for 3 months on El Verde Rd.  We leave there Sunday in the early evening for the other house that our friends just bought near the airport.  We will stay in that house Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evening and then Wednesday morning we head to the airport!

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