Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another successful walk

We left earlier this evening for our walk than we had been leaving the last few days.  The weather had turned nice and cloudy so it made the walk very pleasant.  We were so excited to see some jack rabbits again.  We looked at one through binoculars and saw that he was up on his hind legs, looking at us.  He sure looked cute.  Then as we were walking back, we saw the fox again!!  He was in a long driveway and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw us.  We stood there for a few seconds looking at each other and then he ran into the woods. We did catch a glimpse of him a little later running across the street we were walking on.  So that was exciting and we were so happy to have seen both of those animals again.  We also heard a different owl, but we're not sure which one it is.  And of course, we saw LOTS of deer.

Tomorrow we go into town to get some things done, get our mail, have lunch with friends, dinner with Mom and Linda and then pick up groceries for the coming week.  There's supposed to be rain this weekend, but we'll believe that when we see it.

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