Yesterday, Nov. 2nd, Guillermo and I were supposed to go out for lunch with mom, but when I called her on Nov. 1 to confirm our lunch date, she said she wasn't feeling well. So, we decided to just play it by ear and see how she felt on the 2nd. On Friday, the 2nd, she called me early and said she still wasn't feeling well and had called the doctor to go in to see him. He told her he doesn't do those kind of appointments and for her to go to the emergency room. Mom called Linda and asked her to take her to the emergency room and then she called me and said she wouldn't be able to go to lunch as she still wasn't feeling well and was going to the emergency room.
Well, instead of going over to the southside to meet mom for lunch, Guillermo and I went over there to meet Linda and Mom in the emergency room. They had just taken Mom back when we got there and we sat out in the waiting room with Linda until we saw Mom come back out with the intern who then mentioned for us to follow them to the back.
Mom was put in a room and hooked up to monitors and they showed that her heart rate was very high and her heart was beating very erratically. They set her up on IV's to give her medicine to slow down the heart rate, they took x-rays, did a sonogram and an ekg. And then we waited. She wasn't feeling well at all, and it was no wonder with all that was going on and the worry about what they were finding. After a while we were relieved to see the medicines working and her heart rate come down, although it was still erratic. One of us left to go bring some lunch and again, we were relieved to see Mom eating some of her fish sandwich, a few fries and drink her orange juice. Then she enjoyed some iced lemon cake that was brought from Starbucks. Kathy showed up also and we all did our best to make mom comfortable and to keep her spirits up.
Finally, after much waiting, she was moved from the emergency room into a room in the Intensive Care Unit. That seemed worrisome but we were told that the regular floors do not take care of patients that have a drip of medicine like she does. Anyway, it was a good ICU room and we were glad that she'd be where she'd get the best care.
Guillermo and I left the hospital around 4pm. Linda and Jacob were going to spend the first night there in the room with Mom.
Today, Nov. 3rd, Guillermo and I headed over to the hospital at 8am. Linda said it had been some night but she was glad she had stayed as Mom needed blankets and things like that. Linda and Jacob left after a while to run an errand and then to go home and get some real rest. Kathy and I were there much of the morning. Guillermo left at one point to go look in Home Depot, Lowe's and McCoys for something to make raised bed gardens and then later he drove back home for a little while.
Mom seemed a lot better today. She actually was taken out of her bed and put in a recliner which she was so grateful for since she was getting tired of just lying there. She had her lunch sitting in that recliner and she was in good spirits. Her numbers were good on the monitors and we told her so which I'm sure had a lot to do with raising her spirits. We were told that she very possibly would be moved to a regular floor tomorrow. Her diagnosis is Atrial Fibrillation.
Guillermo came back for me at around 5:30pm and George also came to visit at that time. Kathy is spending the first part of the night with Mom tonight and Chris will be taking over for the other part.
Thank you for writing this detailed account...And it's really nice everyone takes their turn so she's not alone.