Linda spent last night with Mom and most of the day. We went to visit around 2:30 and at that time, Linda left to take care of her own stuff.
Mom still feels very weak, still is short of breath, still has pain along her rib cage. It was just all too much, since it seemed no one was attending to her or doing anything about all of that. So, I had a long talk with the people at the nurse's station and we finally got the doctor to come in, and even the cardiologist. It shouldn't have to be that way. At least we are there with Mom, and we are fighting for her as best as we know how.
So, last night they had given Mom meds to help her sleep and she seemed in decent spirits during the next day, despite not feeling good at all. She opened her mail, ate her dinner,walked around a little, and all that. One time, when she was being poked to draw blood, I told her about Rebeca just loving picking strawberries on the road to Bad Fusch and how she always went for the strawberries that were up high because she knew for sure that no dog would have peed on those because they were too high. This got a good laugh out of both the nurse's aide AND Mom, even though she was being poked with a needle.
Then, this evening, we find out she is being moved to ICU again, but that is mainly because she is going to be getting medication through a drip again. They "don't do drips" on the regular floor. Linda will be spending the night again tonight with Mom.
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