Monday, November 19, 2012

Yesterday and today

On Sunday, I went over to Mom's house in the late afternoon to find everyone (except Jacob) trying to get some rest.  Mom was asleep and Linda was on the couch TRYING to get some sleep.  Sorry, Linda!

Anyway, Kathy spent last night with Mom and she said it was a decent night - with Mom only getting up a few times.  The nurse and physical therapist also came by during the day.

Shortly after I got to the house, Linda went home and Kathy came back with a freshly baked pumpkin pie which was so delicious. Then I left to pick up a rotisserie chicken, broccoli and fruit for supper and we had that along with mashed yams.  Mom needed a little help walking to the kitchen but she did really well.  She ate everything and seemed in good spirits.  She, Kathy and I visited a while there at the table and then it was time for Kathy to go home.  John came in later that evening and just in time put on the new shower head and turned on the gas heater.  I say just in time because right before he walked in, Mom was getting ready to take a shower with the old shower head and with only one heater on.  So, it all was good.  Mom had a good shower although I was scared the whole time because all it takes is one misstep to take a fall.  But we took it really really slow and I know Mom felt refreshed and with renewed spirits after her shower.

John spent Sunday night with Mom.  He said it went well, with Mom again getting up a few times.  The next day John and Carlos started building some very nice railings on the ramp that leads to Mom's backyard.

So, it is Monday and I did not go over to the southside at all today.  First time in over two weeks.  I felt like I had been given a gift and the day was used as best as possible.  First and foremost was taking Guillermo to the doctor.  This was a follow up visit that Health Clinic on Saturday said we should do.  The doctor today said that the meds he got from the Health Clinic on Saturday were good, but she was going to prescribe two more medicines to help with all the stuff he has in his lungs.  And that he needs to go back to see her in two weeks.  Guillermo feels better but every now and then he feels like he relapses when he has coughing fits.  The latest medicine he got is a cough suppressant so that should help a lot.

We also took advantage of this day to take Guillermo's truck in to the garage because the clutch has been acting weird.  So we left the truck there and then we took his desktop computer in to be repaired but when he tried to show the tech how the computer was behaving, the computer did absolutely nothing of what it had been doing at home.  It acted perfectly normal.  So, we wrapped it back up and took it back home.  We also went to a mattress store to look for some mattresses for when we move into our new house.  We also bought a non-slip rug and bathtub mat for Oma, went to the Post Office for stamps and went to Cricket to re-activate my little USB modem.  I also made several phone calls to community resource places that deal with the elderly.  We got so much done today that we hadn't been able to do for quite a while!

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