Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Back to the normal routine

It sure is hot these days in Tucson.  It's supposed to get to 107 today and tomorrow.  That's just too hot to be outside on a blanket with Scotty so we'll be spending most of the day indoors.

We did go outside early in the morning, as is our custom, to water the plants in the front yard.  Usually I put Scotty in his bouncer on the front porch.  But as much as he loves the bouncer, I always felt sorry for him because he'd have to really strain to see cars passing by.  And he just LOVES looking at the passing cars.  So, today I sat him in his little chair out front.  Not ONE car passed by though!  But he had fun sitting in his chair anyway.

And here he is enjoying lunch today!

 Scotty did a FaceTime today with his Uncle Fernando.  It was so funny because Scotty was making lots of noises and Fernando even did some noises back to him.  It was quite a cute scene!

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