Sunday, July 13, 2014

Whoooo- so behind!

Maybe I can get caught up today.  It's just mostly, I'd rather spend time with Rebeca and Scotty!!!  But we'll see if there's any extra time......
Thursday, July 10th
Picking up Abuelito from the airport today!!!
Today was my first time to do a long drive solo with Scotty.  I packed everything I thought he might need for the drive to the airport and back - which is quite far.  A 45 minute trip one way.  But Scotty was so unbelievably good I didn't have to worry at all.  I thought, if I can just get to the intersection of Speedway and Kolb without him crying, I'll be doing good.  Then, when all was going well past that intersection, if I can just get to the intersection of Valencia and Kolb, then I'll be doing even better!  Still, he was happy and content in his car seat.   Then I thought, if I can just get to the road that leads into the airport, then I'll be on easy street.  And sure enough, he was still content back there in his car seat when I turned onto the road that leads into the airport.  I knew then that we had made it just fine.  Once at the airport, I unloaded his stroller from the trunk, packed him and his stuff into it and we walked into the airport.  After taking an elevator up, when we should have stayed down and finally finding the place where to meet people who arrive, we settled on a chair to wait for Abuelito to come down the escalator.  It was such a happy and emotional time when we saw him come out!
I can't believe Abuelito came back!!!

First order of business was to get Scotty into the pool, something that was usually too hard for me to set all up by myself.

That evening, Scotty sat in some grass we planted.  He LOVED it!

Friday, July 11th
Guillermo rents a car and drives to where his brother Roy lives, which is close to Benson, Arizona.  Guillermo parks the car at the river and walks across a fairly low river.  Guillermo finds that Roy is suffering quite a bit.  He gives him one of th pain pills that he brought along for him and within a short time Roy feels a little better. Guillermo waters Roy's garden, which was also suffering.  By the time the two of them leave, the river is much higher.  The water was to their knees, but they still felt it was quite treacherous given that Roy wasn't feeling all that great and Guillermo was carrying several items.  Guillermo drives Roy to Benson and they try to be seen in a minor emergency clinic but are told he could be seen on July 28th.  Crazy.  So, Guillermo suggests just going to the hospital and Roy reluctantly agrees.
Roy is seen in the emergency room, given meds intravenously, then when he is finally discharged, Guillermo drives him to Irene's house where he will spend the night.  There wasn't even an attempt to drive Roy back home with the river being so high.

Saturday, July 12th
Guillermo and Roy drive back to Benson today and then on to where they'd need to cross the river, but it is still too high so they drive back to Tucson.  Roy spends another night at Irene's house, worried about his animals but is reassured by a friend that he would go by his place and tend to them.  We look at he weather radar in the evening and it doesn't look good at all.  Lots of rain to the south of Benson, which would continue the rise of the San Pedro river by Roy's place.
In the morning though, before Guillermo left, we had breakfast at Millie's Pancake House.

Today, July 13th
With the help of two friends, and because the river is still too high, an attempt is made to get Roy home "the back way".
Thank goodness Roy's friend Gary brought along a friend because Gary's jeep broke down. The radiator started leaking, so they used the friends truck to tow the jeep to Roy's place.  If that friend hadn't joined them on this "adventure", Guillermo would have had a LONG walk back to Tucson.  30 miles or more.

I don't remember, but I guess I started singing something, and you can see Jack's reaction.  Scotty loves it.

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