Saturday, March 5, 2011

Backtracking to Samara a bit.....

These pictures Guillermo took on one of his early morning walks to the wetlands in Samara.  The wetlands were close to the first place we lived at in Samara and he took these pictures about 3 days before we moved to the second place. We figured we probably wouldn't be coming back to the wetlands after we moved, since we'd be much further away from them.  These pictures are showing up on this date because we finally downloaded them from his camera.
Wood Stork

Great Egret, immature White Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, and two Wood Storks

This picture shows really well the unique bill of the Roseate Spoonbill.  Looks kinda like a spoon, doesn't it?

Baltimore Oriole

Variegated Squirrel eating some kind of fruit.

Guillermo had to get up pretty early and leave the house by 5:45am to get to the wetlands and back before the sun got too harsh and hot.  I usually slept in........

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