Saturday, March 5, 2011

More, but better, house pictures - except for one

First of all, this first picture is not one of the better pictures.  It is actually pretty bad, as we were so shocked to see gardeners outside this morning taking down the bananas.  The very banana plant that Guillermo had so carefully set up a station inside the living room from which to take pictures of the birds that came to those very bananas.  Grrrr......
Maybe there's a good reason, but WHY couldn't they have just let those bananas be???

Here are some bird pictures Guillermo was able to get in yesterday.

There were lots of other very beautiful, colorful birds, but Guillermo wasn't able to get a picture of them.  He thought he'd have a chance today, but on that particular plant, there's no chance anymore.

And these pictures of the house Guillermo took with his camera.  They came out way better than the ones on yesterday's post.  His pictures even include some of the outside of the house.
This is the front of the house, actually the other half of a duplex.  So this is where we are living now for the next month or so.

The view up the street from the driveway - we used to live in the duplex that is right there on the left of the picture.

Here I am watching Guillermo take a picture of me.  He didn't know it at that second, but there was a dog running up to him at that moment!  The dog didn't do anything.

A picture of the whole duplex.

And now for some much better pictures of the inside.  Our bedroom.

Looking towards the kitchen

Towards the living room - and you can see where Vicki spends a lot of the day!

1 comment:

  1. it looks so cozy there...enjoy your long stay...Andy
