Friday, June 8, 2012

El Campello - 1, San Antonio - 0

Miracle of all miracles, I got my laptop back today.  And it is working and is not running hot anymore.

Those people at Computer Soft here in El Campello certainly raised my expectations of computer repair here in Spain or at least in El Campello.  Generally, when a computer is taken in for repair, be it in San Antonio or wherever, it can take as a normal matter of course at LEAST a week to get the computer back.  But probably longer.  And the company will say they will call you and usually don't.   One San Antonio company even reformats your hard drive without even letting you know beforehand!

None of that was the case with Computer Soft.  They called when they said they would, and they worked very hard to get the computer back to us within just a few days - without any extra charge.  They cleaned out the inside of my laptop and changed the graphics card which had apparently gotten too hot.  My laptop used to sound like an airplane taking off, it was that noisy and it would get so hot underneath!!  Fernando gave me a special device to use under the laptop to keep it raised so that air could circulate easily underneath.  That worked for a while but it still seemed like it was continuing to get even hotter.  So, we went out and bought a little fan that I used to keep air blowing on the bottom of the computer.  Which helped immensely.

Anyway, Computer Soft cleaned out the inside of my laptop and now it's a nice quiet computer and doesn't get hot at all.  So, this is why I say - El Campello computer repair - 1, San Antonio computer repair - 0.

I am so happy to have my laptop back.

We have 3 full days left here in Spain.  Then it's on to visit Andrew in Basel and then on to Sweden for Fernando's wedding!!

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