Monday, August 2, 2010

....and they're gone

We should be used to this by now, but I guess we never will be.  It was hard leaving Rebeca and Jason at the Houston airport, and it was hard leaving Fernando and Eva at the San Antonio airport today.  We had a great week with them - it sure was nice having them here.

Fernando one last time in front of our house

Fernando and Eva before we took them to the airport.

Tree trimmers came today to take down one of the big Ash trees in front of our house.  This tree had to be removed to make room for the house to be moved out of our yard.  Here are some pictures of the tree before it came down.

These pictures shows the big orange X that let the people know which tree to take down.

It was a grand old tree.

This was the aftermath......

Sure is bright in our front yard now.

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