Friday, August 13, 2010

Good old Cricket!

Used the internet early again today, and it worked fairly well.  After breakfast, we drove to our house and Guillermo stayed there working on the things we had stored in the shed out back.  He sorted items in a little storage shelf, and painted some tool handles - among other things.  Meanwhile, I went out and ran all kinds of errands - post office, wash the car, HEB, credit union, etc.  At HEB I picked up some water to take back to the house, since we have no water there at all to wash our hands with or to clean things.  We ate Subway sandwiches - standing up - out by the shed, and then, since the mailman hadn't come yet (and we certainly didn't want to have to come back again later in the day) Guillermo did a little more around the shed and I went to Walmart.
But the best thing was that one of the errands I ran earlier in the day was to go back to Best Buy and this time, I actually bought an internet card!!!  Just took the plunge.  Well, we figured it'd come out cheaper than going to Starbucks everyday - even just buying 2 small smoothies there cost close to $10!!!
So this evening, I set up the little card and it works like a dream.  Now both of us can be on the internet at the same time, and the little card will follow us wherever we go, so that will be good.  We HAVE come to the conclusion that the internet works good enough in this RV park, if only one of us is on the computer.  I guess  both of us trying to access the internet here at the same time threw it into a tizzy!!!!!!

Here are the latest pictures from our house:
As you can see, the little carport on the side was taken down today.

The carport sure was a great place to park the car!!!
Here's how it looks with the Loquat tree gone.

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