Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big change today

All morning, we started moving some of our things into the trailer and took off all the sheets and pillows from the two mattresses left in our house.  We also moved the clothes out there that we will wear for the next few weeks, struggled with the TV in the trailer since it wouldn't recognize any channels (we finally got it to work) and started moving a few things out of our own fridge into the trailer's fridge.  In the afternoon, our friend Sergio came over in the afternoon and helped us move the two mattresses to storage.

So, tonight is our first night in the trailer.  Our bedroom inside the house is totally empty, and Rebeca's room only has a desk in it.  All of the mini-blinds that we are taking with us are down and packed away in storage.  It's nice here in the trailer, and we'll be very comfortable.  It was weird, though, last night, knowing that we were spending our last night in the bedroom we've slept in for 30 years!!!!

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