Friday, August 6, 2010

Big change of the ugly kind part 1

The person who bought our house to move it,  Decker, came out today and started working on removing the skirting around the back of the house.  He had said I probably wouldn't want to be around to see this, but we were here anyway, and it was kind of weird to watch.

So he started with cutting off the row of bushes and then digging up the Crape Myrtles along the back of the house.  Actually, the Leon Valley city manager and the mayor had come earlier that morning to look at some of the trees on our property that we would like to donate to the city if they can somehow dig them up and replant them.  We talked about Leon Valley taking those Crape Myrtles, but no one from public works ever came by for them, so they may not make it after all.  Which is too bad, they were beautiful Crape Myrtles.

Decker's son Layton is definitely the hardest-working 12 year old we've ever seen!  Here they are starting on the bushes

Starting to dig up the Crape Myrtles

The aftermath on one day's work.  We barely recognize our house anymore......

All the nice trees by our windows - gone....

Next big change will come on Sunday, when they work on the front of the house.

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