Thursday, August 19, 2010

Professor Emeritus!!!

At a board meeting of the Alamo Colleges this evening, Guillermo was recognized for the 32 years of service he put in at San Antonio College.  The president of the college called him up and then talked about his accomplishments, praising him for the excellent job he did with the students and letting the board members know that Guillermo was well respected by all his colleagues.  Then he presented him with a plaque and a certificate proclaiming him Professor Emeritus.  I was very proud to be standing there, listening to the nice things the president was saying about Guillermo and hearing everyone clap for Guillermo as he was presented with his plaque.

Earlier in the day, we drove to the house again to get our mail, and then went to the post office to find out how long we can continue to receive mail at that address if we don't live there.  We filled out a form so that our mail can be held at the post office for the next few weeks, which will be better for us since the mail carrier doesn't usually deliver the mail to our house until sometime around 3:30pm.  So, instead of having to go to our house when it's hot and close to rush hour traffic (and sometimes the mail carrier STILL hadn't come so we'd have to hang around and wait), we can just go to the post office every other day and ask them for our held mail.   One less reason now to go to our house.

Not much has been going on at the house lately.  We got a call from Decker today saying the house mover is running behind, but will be there on Saturday and Sunday to get it ready to move.  The expected moving day is Tuesday, possibly Wednesday.  So, we'll see.