Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big change - part 2

Well, knowing that the front of the house was probably going to be worked on today, we decided to get one last picture of our house.  It was a nice home.

We thought Decker would be by to start working on the front of the house by around 10 in the morning, but fortunately he didn't show up until about 3:15.  So, that didn't give him too many hours to be working, but he did work about 3 hours and got quite a bit done.  So, shortly after I took the above picture, the look of things changed.

All the bushes gone.........

Jacob helping Layton

They both worked really hard!

So, this is how the front of our house looks now....

Tomorrow, August 9th, is our last full day in this house (although we are staying mainly out in the trailer). The following day - we have to leave the property as all utilities will be shut down and the job of preparing the house to be put on rails will start.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how quickly a home can become just a house after all the personal touches are removed. Elaine
