Sunday, August 22, 2010

House is now totally off limits

We went to our house on Friday, thinking that would be the last day we would have access to the inside of our house.  And we figured it'd probably be the last time we could access the backyard also, since we expected the mover to start working on it on Saturday.  If they were to come, they would be bringing the big rails that will be placed under the house when it's moved, and those things are HUGE, so they would probably be lying across our yard.  Then there'd be no way we could drive to the back like we've been doing lately.

So, on Friday, we drove to the back and pulled up to the shed in our truck.  We loaded everything that had been placed in the shed from our garage.  We loaded tools, power cords, garden supplies, etc. and then decided to go into our house for the very last time.  We took pictures of what they had done to the red room and the garage and then walked into every single room one more time, then walked out the door, locked it and knew we'd never be able to do that again.
Here are some pictures of the "new floor" they placed in the red room and the garage - so that the house will be all one level:

When we left the house, we drove first to Linda's house to drop off a few things there and to water all of her plants.  Then we went to Mom's house and placed the rest of our garage/garden stuff in her shed and then we all went out to eat lunch at IHop.
Friday evening, we had dinner at Los Agaves with our friends George and Sandra.
On Saturday, we drove to the post office to get our mail and then to storage where we undid a little of our packing in there to find some headphones that Guillermo wanted.  Which turned out to be a good thing, because we packed storage back up a little more efficiently.
Then we drove by our house expecting to see activity there, but all we saw were some small rails that had been placed along the side of our yard and some huge blocks that had been placed in the back.  We were disappointed to see that not much had been done.
So, today, Sunday.
Guillermo left early in the morning to go work on his book with Sergio and I decided to drive by the house to see if anything was going on.  Again, nothing.  And today is the day that Bexar county gave us to either be out of our house or have it moved by this date.  Which means, after today, the house no longer belongs to us at all.  As I pulled into our driveway, I saw that our neighbors had just arrived also, and they came over to talk with me.  They were also surprised that nothing was going on at our house, exclaiming, "We drove all the way from the South side because we thought your house would be ready to move today!!!"  Just a few minutes later, Decker pulled up to our house also, and came over to talk with us.  He was also shocked that not much had been done, and seemed very frustrated at how things were going.  All we can hope now is that Bexar County doesn't come around and take the house claiming that we went past our deadline.
In the evening, before we went to dinner with our friends John and Angie, we decided to drive by the house, just in case SOMEthing had been done.  We saw that the HUGE rails had been delivered, that they had tunneled through the house for the smaller rails and that they had broken up our front porch.  So, some progress was made today after all.

These rails are so long, they are practically the entire length of our front yard.

The holes where they'll place the smaller rails.

Yep, there's no more going back inside the house.....

Our house most likely will be moved in a few days............

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