Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's our home no more.....

Today, John Fardal helped us by moving the trailer to an RV Park!  It's a really nice RV park close to Sea World.
But before getting to that RV park, we had to go through the very surreal experience of leaving our home this morning.  Knowing that it was just a matter of time till someone came to cut the electricity, turn off the water, disconnect the cable/internet and the phone line.  Knowing that these were our final few hours on our property while it still really was our property.  And that once we left, that we'd have to actually consider the place as not our home, but as a place we used to live at and can now only just visit.   Those were weird feelings, for sure.
What???  5704 El Verde won't be associated with us anymore?????

Fortunately for us, neither the electricity nor the water was turned off before we left, so we were able to pack up everything in relative comfort.  Of course, the air inside the house had been turned off the day before so all we had was the air in the trailer.  But even that had to be turned off eventually also, to hook the trailer back up to the truck.  But at least we had water until the very end.  Once the trailer was out front again, and ready to go, Guillermo and I went back inside the house one more time and looked in every single room.  We both agreed we had a great life there and we know we will miss that house very much.

Once at the RV park, we helped John get everything set up and connected, then we all went to have lunch at a nearby Bill Miller Restaurant.  Now we are just relaxing inside the trailer, waiting for a load of clothes to finish drying, and then we are going to drive by the house and see what's going on there.

So, we went back to our old property this evening.  We both felt weird driving down Bandera Rd. to El Verde Rd.  It was like we were going home as usual, except we can't go home anymore.  We parked at the shell of our former home and walked our usual walk out in the field.  Now there is no longer any place to get some cool air, or a drink of water.  We talked with the neighbors a while and then drove back "home" to the RV.  It's nice here in the RV, and it's a very nice RV park.  It's a different lifestyle that I guess we are going to become well acquainted with in the next few weeks.

We don't have a real home anymore.....

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